Explore with us what journalism can be
Step into a creative carousel of tools and methods for idea generation and presentation in journalistic work. On a basic level you will be trained to use of a wide range of technological applications, such as AI applications and 3D audio, and for example – on the more analogue side of things – theatre and oral storytelling. But more importantly, you will learn to think differently, being able to see chances in the future and see what different tools and approaches do to a journalistic story. The aim of this minor is to explore and experiment with what journalism can be. Will you join us?
What's Media Innovation like?
The bachelor's level Media Innovation exchange programme (full-time, worth 30 ECTS credits) combines theory with practice. Below you can read how the course is structured.
General information
Media Innovation starts from the idea that journalists and journalism students have a lot of methods and tools available to construct their stories: from AI, interactivity, gaming, VR, AR, and 3D audio, to theatre, art installations and location-based content. However, in the daily rush of producing stories journalists and journalism students alike often do not get the chance to experiment with all of these. The programme aims to change that, enabling you to develop a creative mindset in your work.
During the programme you will produce a portfolio of creative journalistic work, trying out a new tool or method every few weeks*, and at the end we will highlight your accomplishments in a public showcase. You end the minor with an oral exam, in which you discuss with your teachers what tools had what kind of effect on your journalistic work, and where you think a great promise for journalism lies. The core of this minor is playful experimentation, trying out different tools and methods, and reflecting on your processes and output to connect all you did back to journalistic work. Sometimes you will do this alone, sometimes in duo’s or in larger groups. Working together with a group of international students allows you to look outside of the borders of your own country and mind, and we expect these collaborations to results in engaging projects for journalism as a whole.
*The exacts tools and methods that will be featured in the program will be decided shortly before the programme begins, to allow students to work with the latest tools journalists can use in their work, such as AI applications for research and presentation.
Exploring Media Innovation (20 ECTS credits)
In this module you will construct an innovation portfolio by engaging with different tools, media, approaches and/or methods that you can use for your journalistic work. Every few weeks you will be introduced to such a new aspect, and after some instruction and practice you will get to work on your own project. You collect the results in a portfolio, in which you analyze in retrospect how your work can be considered journalistic and/or innovative. In tandem you will learn to communicate about the (innovative) work that you do in a variety of ways, zooming in on the choices you make in each project and what the outcomes teach you about yourself as a creative maker. The exact themes for each week will be decided shortly before the programme starts, to ensure you work with the latest tools at your disposal.
Analyzing Media Innovation (10 ECTS credits)
In this module you will discuss academic work that will help you analyze your own and other journalists’ work through an innovation lens: when can something be called innovative, what types of innovation can we talk about, and what discussions about journalistic practices are on top of mind in the journalistic field? We will constantly connect your own innovative and journalistic practices to this theory, testing one against the other. We will also learn about journalism and innovation in different cultural setting, and learn to look at our own practices through an international lens. This will be interwoven with the work that you do throughout the rest of the programme.
Elective modules
Complete your exchange semester or year by taking one or two cross-departmental modules. You will receive ECTS credits when you complete a module successfully.
Course catalogue
Want to know more about the exchange programme of Media Innovation? Check the course catalogue for more information about matters such as assessment and teaching methods.
Requirements and application
You are required to have two years of Bachelor’s study experience in a relevant field and English-language skills at B2 level.
Practical information
Academic Calendar Finance
Housing Visa Facilities
Credits and Grading Partnerships
Learning Agreement
The Learning Agreement for this programme is not available yet.
The Learning Agreement is a crucial document for the recognition of a study period abroad. It is an agreement between you, your university and Windesheim. When you decide to do an exchange programme at Windesheim, you have to create a Learning Agreement that includes the respective courses of the exchange programme. Learn more on how to set up the Learning Agreement for your specific exchange programme at Windesheim.
Want to know more?
Questions about studying at Windesheim? Contact the International Office via +31 884699777 or email(opens in new tab).
Any questions about the content of this programme? Get in touch with course coordinators Hans Noortman h.noortnman@windesheim.nl(opens in new tab) or Amanda Brouwers, a.d.brouwers1@windesheim.nl(opens in new tab).