Drama and Improvisation
Want to get your message across?
Improvisation is one of the most efficient and exciting ways to develop core business and communication skills. Whether you have to chair a meeting or deliver a presentation, improvisation can help you make clear decisions in the moment and communicate your ideas effectively. So whether you want to focus on listening skills, body language or use of your voice, the module Improvisation and Drama provides the safe environment in which to explore and practise different aspects of your own style.
This module is scheduled at the same time as Dutch Society and Innovation Research Competences for Urban Development. They can therefore not be taken simultaneously.
What's Drama and Improvisation like?
Drama and improvisation (5 ECTS credits)
This course is an introduction to Drama and Improvisation. In 14 sessions (examination is the 15th session), we will explore the basic underpinnings of body language, acting and dramatical design. In its core, this course is practical. The main goal, therefore, lies in connecting drama techniques to practical work situations.
Learning outcomes
This module (part-time) encourages you to become aware of yourself and the way you present yourself to others. By being creative, spontaneous and supportive within a safe environment, you will develop some important skills, such as listening, presenting and public speaking. Besides having fun and exploring the field of drama and plays, there are opportunities to work on several competences, such as:
- exploring your own strengths and weaknesses
- reflecting on your own mannerism in the drama lessons and give feedback to others
- learning to express yourself freely in different manners
- being able to create short plays and give instructions and tips to others
- being able to use recognize and implement body language and body movement
- discovering different ways to use your voice
- designing your own lesson/presentation
You do not need to have any prior experience in acting or improvisation.
More information
Want to know more about the module Drama and Improvisation? Check the course catalogue for more information about matters such as assessment and teaching methods.
Practical information
Academic Calendar Credits and Grading
ESN Activities Finance Facilities
Housing Visa Partnerships
Contact details
For questions about this module, please contact:
Sheila Zwanenburg (s.zwanenburg@windesheim.nl)(opens in new tab) or
Rico Coenen (r.coenen@windesheim.nl)(opens in new tab)
Contact the International Office for general questions about studying at Windesheim:
+31 88 46 99 777(opens in new tab)(opens in new tab)(opens in new tab)
internationaloffice@windesheim.nl(opens in new tab)