Economic Mindsets
Rethink the design of our economies
Contrary to what many people think, economics cannot be called an exact science. It has its roots in social science and is related to human behaviour, which is still yet far from understood. We can barely predict human behaviour! Or how Kate Raworth, economist at the University of Oxford and Cambridge puts it: ‘Economics, it turns out, is not a matter of discovering laws: it is essentially a question of design’.
This is a creative module in which you do not have to perform microeconomic calculations. You will rather be challenged to think about how economies can serve citizens of the world.
This module is scheduled at the same time as Intercultural Awareness, Dutch Society, Innovation Research en Drama en Improvisation. They can therefore not be taken simultaneously.
What's Economic Mindsets like?
Economic Mindsets (5 ECTS credits)
Are you ready to become a 21st century economist yourself and understand your economic impact on our world in more detail? Then this course may be the right choice for you!
In this module, you will explore various mental models about economics and their relationship towards successful businesses and innovations. And you will analyse the role governments have as economic agents.
You will develop a presentation about macroeconomics, focusing on the doctrine of economic efficiency, the obsession of measuring wellbeing/welfare in terms of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and other new (growth) models. Moreover, you will develop a view about how governments could take a more active role in shaping our economies for the better. You will be invited to determine what your own preferred economic impact may ideally be as an upcoming professional.
The presentation should focus on four different parts, namely:
- Economic efficiency and the embrace of GDP: history of growth factors of economies (Kondratieff waves).
- New ideas and influences on current economies: new models to growth (i.e. The Doughnut Economy, Kate Raworth) and critical insight.
- Public Private Partnerships (P3s): how P3s might help to shape our economy.
- Reflection: your own role as a business professional.
You should be able to generally explain these different parts in your own words. The goal of this course is, however, that you will be able to apply your knowledge to a given business situation of your choice. You should choose a concrete business.
Learning competences
- Critical Thinking
- Innovation and Creativity
- International Business Awareness
- Ethical & Social Responsibility
More information
Want to know more about the module Economic Mindsets? Check the course catalogue for more information about matters such as assessment and teaching methods.
Practical information
Academic Calendar Credits and Grading
ESN Activities Finance Facilities
Housing Visa Partnerships
Contact details
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For general questions about studying at Windesheim:
+31 88 46 99 777(opens in new tab)(opens in new tab) in new tab)